Caucus February 29 to Elect Democratic State Convention Delegates

Caucus February 29 to Elect Democratic State Convention Delegates

Arlington Democrats are invited to attend a caucus on Saturday, February 29, at 10 a.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium, 730 Massachusetts Ave., to elect 37 delegates and 6 alternates to the 2020 Massachusetts Democratic Convention.

At this year’s state convention, to be held Saturday, May 30 at the Tsongas Center in Lowell, thousands of Democrats from across the state will come together to cast a vote for their preferred Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate. This is an important event, because candidates must receive 15% of the vote to appear on the September primary ballot, and the candidate who receives a majority of the convention’s vote will receive the endorsement of the convention.

Checkin for the caucus will begin at 9:30 a.m. All registrants who are in line by 10:15 a.m. will be accepted. The Auditorium is accessible to the disabled.

The caucus is open to all registered and pre-registered Democrats in Arlington. Pre-registered Democrats who will be 16 by February 15, 2020, will be welcome to participate and run as a delegate or alternate.

Youth, minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals who are not elected as a delegate or alternate may apply to be an add-on delegate at the caucus or at

Delegates and alternates will be divided equally between men and women, except that candidates whose gender identity is non-binary can run for delegate without needing to classify themselves as male or female. Candidates must be present at the caucus to be elected (except those serving in the Armed Forces, who must notify the chair of their candidacy before the caucus).

In case of a snow emergency on February 29, the caucus will be postponed to the evening of Wednesday, March 11, also in Town Hall.

For more information on the caucus or the Arlington Democratic Town Committee, please contact Chair Aimee Coolidge at 781-646-5339. For general information on the Convention or the Democratic Party, please call 617-939-0800 or email Details on the caucus rules can be found at

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