
May 14: Caucus for State Convention

Arlington Democrats to Hold Caucus May 14

Arlington Democrats are invited to attend a caucus on Tuesday, May 14, at 7:15 p.m. in the Community Room on the lower level of Robbins Library, 700 Massachusetts Ave., to elect 37 delegates and 6 alternates to the 2019 Massachusetts Democratic Convention.

At this year’s state convention, to be held Saturday, September 14 at the MassMutual Center in Springfield, thousands of Democrats from across the state will come together to discuss Party business and celebrate our successes as we prepare for upcoming elections. (Unfortunately, this date is the same as that of Arlington’s Town Day.)

Checkin for the caucus will begin at 6:45 p.m. All registrants who are in line by 7:30 p.m. will be accepted. The Community Room is accessible to the disabled.

The caucus is open to all registered and pre-registered Democrats in Arlington. Pre-registered Democrats who will be 16 by May 11, 2019 will be allowed to participate and run as a delegate or alternate. The Arlington Democratic Town Committee welcomes participants.

Youth, minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals who are not elected as a delegate or alternate may apply to be an add-on delegate at the caucus or at www.massdems.org.

Delegates will be divided equally between men and women. The caucus will elect 18 male delegates, 18 female delegates, one delegate of any gender, 3 male alternates, and 3 female alternates. You must be present at the caucus to be elected, unless there are not enough candidates present to fill all delegate and alternate positions. If you cannot be present and you notify the chair in advance of your interest in running, two-thirds of those present may move to have your name placed in nomination.

For more information on the caucus or the Arlington Democratic Town Committee, please contact Chair Aimee Coolidge at 781-646-5339, visit our website at www.arlingtondems.org/, or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/adtcma.

For general information on the Convention or the Democratic Party, please call 617-939-0800 or email contact@massdems.org. Details on the caucus rules can be found at www.massdems.org.


Frances Moore Lappé Inspires Crowd

Noted author and activist Frances Moore Lappé addressed the issue of climate change and the importance of finding hope through democratic action. Speaking to an enthusiastic audience of over 150 people at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Arlington, Ms. Lappé offered an encouraging message for combating climate injustice and other social issues. Emphasizing the importance of community and collaboration she reminded the audience that “we are all responsible.” By working together we can fight the cycle of powerlessness. She cited the Green New Deal and the Sunrise movement of young people dedicated to combating climate change as current examples of important democratic movements. Offering a positive message for difficult times Ms. Lappé´ states, “It is not possible to know what is possible.”

ACMI, Arlington’s local cable company recorded the event, and it’s available on their web site at https://acmi.tv/videos/finding-hope-through-democratic-action/.

Climate Change in Focus is the first in a series of forums sponsored by the Arlington Democratic Town Committee. This event was presented by the ADTC along with First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Arlington. Several local environmental organizations were co-sponsors, including Mothers Out Front, Sustainable Arlington, Elders Climate Action MA, 350MA and Metro-North Node and the Sierra Club.


Climate Change Forum March 18

Frances Moore Lappé, author of Diet for a Small Planet and other books, will be the featured speaker at a forum, Climate Change in Focus: Finding Hope Through Democratic Action, on Monday, March 18th from 7 to 9 p.m. at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 630 Mass. Ave., Arlington.

This free event is presented by the Arlington Democratic Town Committee and by the Social Justice Committee of First Parish Church. Also participating are Mothers Out Front, Sustainable Arlington, Massachusetts Sierra Club, 350 MA plus 350 Metro-North Node, and Elders Climate Action Massachusetts.

The Book Rack of Arlington is providing books by the speaker for purchase and signing.

This is the first in a series of programs focusing on climate issues and what we can do as individuals and as a community.


Join AG Maura Healey March 13 in Arlington

Please join Democrats to welcome and support Attorney General Maura Healey at Common Ground Arlington, 319 Broadway, on Wednesday, March 13, from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Suggested contributions start at $50. Please donate online and RSVP at info@maurahealey.com.

Your contribution is critical to helping Attorney General Maura Healey continue to lead the fight against the Trump administration’s dangerous policies and for progressive values here in Massachusetts.

She has brought major cases against the NRA to reduce gun violence and against Exxon Mobile to protect against climate change and promote clean energy. And she is leading the charge against Purdue Pharma for its role in contributing to the deadly opioid and addiction crisis.

In addition to these and other important legal battles, Maura Healey also spends time advocating for progressive values in MA and in other parts of the country. Her advocacy efforts, including Town Halls, are funded by her Committee. So please help support these efforts by making a donation and then come meet her in person.


Watch the Ballot Questions Forum on YouTube

The October 2 forum on the November ballot questions, The A B C’s of Ballot Questions 1, 2, 3 is on YouTube for you to watch, in case you missed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsamNs2d59Q

Jay Kaufman is also hosting a forum on the ballot questions in Lexington as part of his Open House series. The forum will be held Thursday, October 25th, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the historic Depot in Lexington Center (13 Depot Square in Lexington Center). see http://www.jaykaufman.com/openhouse for details.


Jay Gonzalez vs. Charlie Baker


Republican Charlie Baker endorses Trump’s MA campaign chair Goeff Diehl for Senator! Diehl has a long history of far right activism including fighting a women’s right to choose and opposing LGBTQ and worker’s rights.

Here’s what has happened under Republican Charlie Baker’s watch:

Economic Prosperity: Standard and Poor’s has downgraded the state’s bond rating for the first time in 30 years.

Transportation: We have the most commuter rail breakdowns in the country and serious overcrowding and delays on the MBTA.

Education: Baker opposed the “millionaires tax,” which would have devoted money to education. He sided with dark money on the defeated ballot question to expand charter schools.

Health Care: Baker tried to remove 140,000 people from Mass Health.

Public Safety: There has been systemic mismanagement of the state police, including payment for overtime shifts not worked and pay for commuting to work.

Immigration: Baker supported the ICE roundup of immigrants and planned to send the Massachusetts National Guard to our borders.

Energy and Climate Change: He continues to support new fossil fuel projects and has weakened the state Department of Environmental Protection through budget cuts.

We need Jay Gonzalez — he will fight for all of us.

Here’s what you can do:

  • VOTE for Jay and the Democratic slate on Election Day Nov. 6th
  • Urge your friends and family to vote as well
  • Share the real story of Republican Governor Baker
  • Volunteer with the Democratic campaign and attend local political events
  • Spread the word: http://sorry-charlie.com/

Forum on Ballot Questions October 2

The Arlington Democratic Town Committee is sponsoring a forum with presentations on the three questions on the Massachusetts ballot. The event, free and open to the public, is on October 2 at Robbins Library at 6:45 p.m.

A B C’s of Ballot Questions 1, 2, 3:
Know Your November Ballot Questions

Tuesday, October 2nd
6:45 – 8:45 pm

Robbins Library Community Room
700 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington

Question 1: This proposed law would limit how many patients could be assigned to each registered nurse in Massachusetts hospitals and certain other health care facilities. The maximum number of patients per registered nurse would vary by type of unit and level of care. Donna Kelly Williams, President of the Massachusetts Nurses Association, and Ari Puri, who represents the Coalition to Protect Patient Safety, will discuss this question.

Question 2: This proposed law would create a citizens commission to consider and recommend potential amendments to the United States Constitution to establish that corporations do not have the same Constitutional rights as human beings and that campaign contributions and expenditures may be regulated. Ben Gubits, Director of Political Strategy for American Promise, will review this question.

Question 3: A YES VOTE would keep in place the current law, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity in places of public accommodation. A NO VOTE would repeal this provision of the public accommodation law. Grace Stevens, author and trans activist, will cover this question.


Concert for Candidates September 8

WHAT: “Song of Resistance”, a concert/fundraiser for Democratic congressional candidates
WHEN: Saturday, September 8, 8 pm
WHERE: Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music of Bard College, 27 Garden Street, Cambridge
WHO: Singers and instrumentalists from some of Boston’s brightest musical lights
HOW: Tickets $35/$60/$100/$250/$500

Charles Blandy of Arlington, a distinguished tenor and one of the co-founders of BlueMassGroup, is organizing the concert. It aims to raise $10,000 for five candidates for Congress who will resist the corruption and cruelty of Donald Trump’s administration:

Jared Golden (Maine 2nd district)
Annie Kuster (New Hampshire 2nd)
Democratic nominee fund (New Hampshire 1st; primary is on September 11)
Antonio Delgado (New York 19th district)
Beto O’Rourke (Texas, US Senate)

Purchase tickets via ActBlue: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/songofresistance

Musicians and program include:
Charles Blandy, tenor; Linda Osborn, piano
Copland: Old American Songs

Mara Bonde, soprano
Songs by Harold Arlen

Peggy Pearson, oboe; Diana Walsh, piano
Works by William Bolcom and George Gershwin

Kendra Colton, soprano: Songs by John Harbison

Elise Groves, soprano; Pamela Dellal, mezzo-soprano; Jason McStoots, tenor; Charles Blandy, tenor; Paul Guttry, bass
DeWert: Vox in Rama (A voice in Rama)
Byrd: Ne irascaris Domine (Be not angry, Lord)
Exsurge Domine
Non vos relinquam orphanos

Jesse Irons, violin
Program TBA


State Rep Candidates’ Debate Is Online

ACMI TV hosted a debate August 16 between State Representative Sean Garballey and Lori Lennon, who are running in the Democratic primary for the 23rd Middlesex State Rep seat. It will be shown on local cable many times between now and the September 4 primary, or you can watch it online at http://acmi.tv/, where candidate profiles are also posted, along with the schedule.