
Statement on Police Violence and Racial Injustice

The Arlington Democratic Town Committee strongly condemns all racist acts of police violence and extends our deepest condolences to the families and friends of George Floyd and the other victims of racially-based police violence. We condemn racist acts of oppression in all forms, including institutionalized racism and the violence of denial inherent to an unjust society. This oppression has targeted the Black American community, in particular, for far too long.

We are committed to justice and to the representation of our entire community. We are committed to working with our members and our partners in the broader community to make a better world. However, despite our good intentions, we know that we need to do better and strive to do so.

We also wish to refer you to a local community event where you can join us in taking a stand:


Mail-in ballots encouraged for June 6 election

All registered voters in Arlington should by now (5/21) have received a postcard to request a mail-in ballot for the June 6 Town Election. Normally you have to provide an excuse, but that requirement has been waived until June 30 by a new state law.

Fill in the postcard, be sure to sign it, and then return it to the Clerk’s office promptly. You’ll be sent an absentee ballot, which you can mail in or place in any of several secure drop boxes around town. The absentee ballot must be received by 8 p.m. June 6.

The deadline for returning the postcard is legally required to be June 5, but of course that only really applies when you can vote in person at the Town Clerk’s office. Send it in as soon as you can to make sure that you’ll have time to receive the ballot, complete it, and return it.

Voters must be registered by May 27 in order to vote in this election.

Watch this space for further updates on voting procedures.


New Town Committee Elected March 3

In the Presidential primary March 3, Democratis in Arlington elected a new Town Committee. Its members are Adam Badik, Laurene Bergin, Robin Bergman, Lynn Bishop, Shane Blundell, Maureen Crewe, Mary Cummings, James DiTullio, Catherine Farrell, John Galligan, William Gardiner, Sharon Grossman, Patrick Hanlon, Christa Kelleher, Sonya Khan, Colleen Kirby, Adele Kraus, David Levy, Jennifer Litowski, William Logan, Adam MacNeill, Linda Magram, Richard McElroy, Pearl Morrison, Lisa Pedulla, Carroll Edward Schwartz, Paulette Schwartz, Marlene Silva, Hannah Simon, David Swanson, Stephanie Swanson, Rieko Tanaka, Alice Trexler, Michael Watson, Jordan Weinstein.

State Senator Cindy Friedman and State Representative Sean Garballey will serve as ex officio members. The following have become 20-year members, so they were not on the ballot: Aimee Coolidge, Camilla Haase, Gwenyth Hooper, and Paul Schlichtman.


Arlington Democrats Turn Out in Force for Caucus

About 240 Democrats filled Town Hall Auditorium on the morning of Saturday, February 29 to elect delegates to the Democratic State Convention. Many were newcomers to local Democratic politics, and 28 voters changed their registration to Democratic to participate in the caucus. Aimee Coolidge, chair of the Arlington Democratic Town Committee, welcomed all the newcomers and encouraged them to continue participating.

Among the attendees were an enthusiastic group of Arlington High School students and alumni. Those who were 16 or 17 and were pre-registered voted along with everyone else and were eligible to run for delegate.

Supporters of incumbent Senator Edward Markey prevailed over supporters of Congressman Joseph Kennedy, electing all 37 delegates and 6 alternates to the Convention. Delegates elected were Adam Badik, Kristen Bauer, Robin Bergman, Peter Braun, Michael J. Brown, Downing Cless, Sonya Coleman, Maureen Crewe, Joseph Curro, Susan Doctrow, Catherine Farrell, William Gardiner, Pauline Gardiner, Amy Goldstein, Barbara Goodman, Camilla Haase, Tung Huynh, Lori Kenschaft, Colleen Kirby, Ann LeRoyer, Alan Linov, William Logan, Adam MacNeill, Richard McElroy, John Page, Judson Pierce, Jennifer Roderick, Joel Rothstein, Paul Schlichtman, Carroll Edward Schwartz, Paulette Schwartz, Susan Stamps, Rieko Tanaka, Robert Tosi Jr., Alice Trexler, Steven Wofsy, and Mona Zeftel. Alternates elected were Edith Barrett, John Burt, Lynette Culverhouse, Gary Goldsmith, Catherine Pedersen, and Edward Witham.

Additional delegates will serve because of the offices they hold: State Senator Cindy Friedman and State Representatives Sean Garballey and Dave Rogers, Arlington Democratic Town Committee Chair Aimee Coolidge, and State Committee members James DiTullio and Marlene Silva.

Eligible to apply to be add-on delegates are members of groups in the following categories: youth aged 16-34 (including our AHS caucus attendees), minorities, disabled, and LGBTQ+.

At the Convention, to be held in the Tsongas Center in Lowell on Saturday, May 30, the winner of the majority of delegates will receive the state Democratic Party’s endorsement. Any candidate who receives over 15% of the vote will appear on the ballot for the state Primary Election, to be held on Tuesday, September 1.

Senator Markey’s long service as Arlington’s Congressman probably helped his supporters outnumber those for Congressman Kennedy. Both Senator Markey and our current Congresswoman, Katherine Clark, came to greet caucus attendees while they were standing in line to check in. Also present were Arlington’s State House delegation, Sen. Friedman and Reps. Garballey and Rogers. Governor’s Councilor Marilyn Petitto Devaney was also there.

For more information on the Arlington Democratic Town Committee or any of our meetings, please contact Ms. Coolidge at 781-646-5339, visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/adtcma. For general information on the Convention, please contact the Democratic State Committee at 617-939-0800 or visit massdems.org.


Caucus February 29 to Elect Democratic State Convention Delegates

Arlington Democrats are invited to attend a caucus on Saturday, February 29, at 10 a.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium, 730 Massachusetts Ave., to elect 37 delegates and 6 alternates to the 2020 Massachusetts Democratic Convention.

At this year’s state convention, to be held Saturday, May 30 at the Tsongas Center in Lowell, thousands of Democrats from across the state will come together to cast a vote for their preferred Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate. This is an important event, because candidates must receive 15% of the vote to appear on the September primary ballot, and the candidate who receives a majority of the convention’s vote will receive the endorsement of the convention.

Checkin for the caucus will begin at 9:30 a.m. All registrants who are in line by 10:15 a.m. will be accepted. The Auditorium is accessible to the disabled.

The caucus is open to all registered and pre-registered Democrats in Arlington. Pre-registered Democrats who will be 16 by February 15, 2020, will be welcome to participate and run as a delegate or alternate.

Youth, minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals who are not elected as a delegate or alternate may apply to be an add-on delegate at the caucus or at www.massdems.org.

Delegates and alternates will be divided equally between men and women, except that candidates whose gender identity is non-binary can run for delegate without needing to classify themselves as male or female. Candidates must be present at the caucus to be elected (except those serving in the Armed Forces, who must notify the chair of their candidacy before the caucus).

In case of a snow emergency on February 29, the caucus will be postponed to the evening of Wednesday, March 11, also in Town Hall.

For more information on the caucus or the Arlington Democratic Town Committee, please contact Chair Aimee Coolidge at 781-646-5339. For general information on the Convention or the Democratic Party, please call 617-939-0800 or email contact@massdems.org. Details on the caucus rules can be found at www.massdems.org.


Update: Watch our Climate Change Forum on ACMi TV

You can now view the forum “Taking Legislative Action: Our Environment, Our State House” by going to https://acmi.tv/videos/climate-change-legislative-forum-february-16-2020/.

This forum, which was sponsored by the Arlington Democratic Town Committee, was held on January 14 at the Robbins Library in Arlington, Massachusetts.

Representative Dave Rogers of the 24th Middlesex District, Representative Sean Garballey of the 23rd Middlesex District , and Ms. Cabell Eames, Legislative Manager and Political Director for 350 Mass, discussed bills addressing climate change that are currently before the Massachusetts legislature:

  • H.2836/S.1958: An Act Re-Powering Massachusetts with 100% Renewable Energy, sponsored by Rep. Garballey, Rep Marjorie Decker, and Sen. Jamie Eldridge
  • H.2810: An Act to Promote Green Infrastructure and Reduce Carbon Emissions, sponsored by Representative Jennifer Benson
  • H. 3008/S.2106: An Act to Advance Modern and Sustainable Solutions for Transportation, sponsored by Representative Lori Ehrlich and Senator Eric Lesser
  • H. 826/S.453 An Act Relative to Environmental Justice in the Commonwealth, sponsored by Representative Adrian Maduro and Senator Sal DiDomenico
  • H.761/S.464: An Act Relative to Environmental Justice and Toxics Reduction in the Commonwealth

All of these bills are supported by Mass Power Forward, a consortium of grassroots organizations from across the state addressing climate change issues.


At Town Day, Arlington Votes for Warren with Jelly Beans

Who needs a straw poll? We have jelly beans! We invited anyone who visited the Arlington Democrats booth at Town Day to cast a vote — with a jelly bean — for the Democratic Presidential candidate of their choice. The results (drum roll) are below. Congratulations to Elizabeth Warren!

Elizabeth Warren 422
Pete Buttigieg 99
Bernie Sanders 89
Kamala Harris 83
Joe Biden 61
Andrew Yang 32
Cory Booker 22
Amy Klobuchar 16
Julian Castro 13
Beto O’Rourke 11
Total = 848

Thanks to everyone who stopped by! See our Facebook page for photos.


Arlington Democrats Support Green New Deal

At its meeting on June 13, the members of the Arlington Democratic Town Committee unanimously voted in favor of a Resolution to Support the Green New Deal.

In taking this action, Arlington Democrats joined with party members in other towns – Framingham, Wayland, Concord, Chicopee, Hudson, Cambridge, and chapters in Boston – who submitted their own resolutions to the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee.

The State Committee in turn passed a resolution in support of the Green New Deal that was sent to the Democratic National Committee.

In taking this action Arlington Democrats are supporting the efforts of Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, who are providing national leadership on climate change initiatives. We are also supporting local legislators Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Sean Garballey, and Sen. Cindy Friedman in the work they are doing at the state level.

The text of the resolution follows.

A Resolution by the Arlington Democratic Town Committee calling for the US Federal Government and the Massachusetts State Government to pass a Green New Deal, and for the Massachusetts Democratic Party to endorse and advocate for the Green New Deal.

WHEREAS, an October, 2018 United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report states that we have only until 2030 to limit devastating global warming and avoid the most serious ramifications of climate change;

WHEREAS, the October, 2018 IPCC report also makes clear that every bit of warming matters, so every fraction of a degree less of warming will save lives and pay dividends across the world’s economies;

WHEREAS, the world is already experiencing serious, costly, and increasing impacts of climate change, including more intense storms, unprecedented flooding, and persistent wildfires;

WHEREAS, an inadequate response to climate change will increase economic and environmental disruptions. These include, but are not limited to severe storms, longer and hotter heat waves, worsening flood and drought cycles, growing invasive species and insect problems, accelerated species extinction rates, rising sea levels, increased wildfires, and a dramatic increase in refugees from climate impacted lands; and in Massachusetts alone, we face the coastal erosion of Cape Cod, shifting ranges of native tree species, forced migration of native birds, and rising infestation of ticks and other disease-bearing insects in areas we enjoy for recreation.

WHEREAS, the most negative impacts of climate change generally fall on frontline communities. Frontline communities are underrepresented communities, such as lower-income communities or communities of color. They bear the initial burden of climate change but are least equipped to adapt to these impacts;

WHEREAS, doing what is now necessary to adequately address the climate crisis requires a national mobilization of a scope and scale that is a historic opportunity to address inequities caused and exacerbated by the fossil fuel economy as well as virtually eliminating poverty in the United States;

WHEREAS, at least 45 U.S. Representatives endorsed a resolution to establish a Select Committee for a Green New Deal;

WHEREAS, a federal Green New Deal legislation would create a detailed mobilization plan to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, invest in communities on the frontlines of poverty and pollution, and guarantee a good job to anyone ready to make this happen;

WHEREAS, local governments calling for the federal government to pass a Green New Deal will demonstrate widespread popular support for necessary and just climate action;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Arlington Democratic Town Committee calls on:

(1) The Massachusetts Democratic Committee to endorse and advocate for all provisions of the Green New Deal, and

(2) the U.S. Government and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to pass a Green New Deal that would, by 2030:

● Dramatically expand existing renewable power sources and deploy new production capacity with the goal of meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources;

● Build a national, energy-efficient, “smart” grid;

● Upgrade every residential and industrial building for state-of-the-art energy efficiency, comfort, and safety;

● Eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing, agricultural and other industries, including by investing in local-scale agriculture in communities across the country;

● Eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from, repairing and improving transportation and other infrastructure, and upgrading water infrastructure to ensure universal access to clean water;

● Fund massive investment in the drawdown of greenhouse gases;

● Make “green” technology, industry, expertise, products and services a major export of the United States, with the aim of becoming the undisputed international leader in helping other countries transition to completely greenhouse gas neutral economies and bringing about a global Green New Deal.

As the scope of the Green New Deal presents a historic opportunity to virtually eliminate poverty in the United States and to make prosperity, wealth and economic security available to everyone participating in the transformation, the Green New Deal should aim to:

● provide all members of our society, across all regions and all communities, the opportunity, training and education to be full and equal participants in the transition, including job guarantee programs to assure living wage jobs to every person who wants one;

● diversify local and regional economies, with a particular focus on communities where the fossil fuel industry holds significant control over the labor market, to ensure workers have the necessary tools, opportunities, and economic assistance to succeed during the energy transition;

● require strong enforcement of labor, workplace safety, and wage standards that recognize the rights of workers to organize and unionize free of coercion, intimidation, and harassment, and the creation of meaningful, quality, career employment;

● ensure a ‘just transition’ for all workers, low-income communities, communities of color, indigenous communities, rural and urban communities and the front-line communities most affected by climate change, pollution and other environmental harm by ensuring that local implementation of the transition is led from the community level and by prioritizing solutions that end the harms faced by front-line communities from climate change and environmental pollution;

● protect and enforce sovereign rights and land rights of tribal nations;

● mitigate deeply entrenched racial, regional and gender-based inequalities in income and wealth (including, without limitation, ensuring that federal and other investments will be equitably distributed to historically impoverished, low income, deindustrialized or other marginalized communities in a way that builds wealth and ownership at the community level);

● include additional measures such as basic income programs, universal health care programs and any others deemed appropriate to promote economic security, labor market flexibility, and entrepreneurship; and

● deeply involve national and local labor unions to take a leadership role in the process of job training and worker deployment.


The foregoing resolution was adopted by the Arlington Democratic Town Committee on June 13, 2019.


Arlington Democrats Elect Delegates to State Convention

Democrats in Arlington held a caucus May 14 at the Robbins Library Community Room to elect delegates to the 2019 Massachusetts Democratic Convention.

Elected as delegates were Adam Badik, Robin Bergman, Maureen Crewe, Pauline Gardiner, Adam MacNeill, Pearl Morrison, Christine O’Connell, Paul Schlichtman, Paulette Schwartz, Marlene Silva, David Swanson, Stephanie Swanson, Alice Trexler, Jordan Weinstein, and Edward Witham.

Chair Aimee Coolidge will serve as an ex officio delegate. Other Arlingtonians serving as ex officio delegates are Patricia Deal, Heather Fowles, and James DiTullio, all of whom serve on the Democratic State Committee, as well as State Representative Sean Garballey and State Senator Cindy Friedman.

The Convention will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2019 at the MassMutual Center in Springfield. Democrats from across the state will come together to discuss Party business and celebrate our successes as we prepare for upcoming elections. The fact that this date is the same as that of Arlington’s Town Day accounts for the small number of delegates; up to 37 could have been elected. Democrats are welcome to apply to be add-on delegates; go to
https://massdems.org/2019-convention-caucus-information/ for details.