MA <> NH Manchester Canvassing (canvasses Saturdays 10-12, 12-2, 2-4 & Sundays 12-2, 2-4)

NH Dems Manchester campaign office 264 Mammoth Rd., Manchester, NH, United States

Join other MA volunteers as we head up to NH to knock on doors to connect directly with voters on the issues that matter most to them so that we can make sure Democrats up and down the ballot are successful in November. The office location in Manchester is 264 Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH 03109 […]

Arlington MA Town Day (booth with ADTC volunteers; Saturday 9/21 9:30-4:30)

Say hello to your friends & neighbors who are also part of the Arlington Democratic Town Committee (ADTC). In Arlington Center, Mass. Ave. west of the Pleasant Street intersection. Find out about many ongoing campaign opportunities (pick up a swing state letter writing kit!) Get your picture taken with our Kamala Harris standee! Participate in […]

MA <> NH Nashua Canvassing (canvassing Saturdays & Sundays)

NH Dems Nashua headquarters 60 Main St ste 103, Nashua, NH, United States

Join other MA volunteers as we head up to NH to knock on doors to connect directly with voters on the issues that matter most to them so that we can make sure Democrats up and down the ballot are successful in November. Canvasses are going on all weekend; Sat. & Sun.; 12 pm – […]

Massachusetts Democrats Organizing Hub Phone Banking

We are currently calling voters in Maine with the user-friendly Scale to Win autodialer. No experience is necessary. We welcome new volunteers and provide training. Hosted by the Campaign Services Committee of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, and open to people anywhere who want to volunteer with us! The Zoom link will be emailed after RSVP. […]

Calling Charlotte/Mecklenburg County For the Win! (Sundays 6-8 pm)

These are easy calls, we are calling strong Democrats to engage volunteers and voters in the Charlotte/Mecklenburg area! Last year, we made 10,000 such calls and were the single largest recruitment effort to rebuild the Mecklenburg Co. Democratic Party. We need your help again to expand the volunteer base, develop skilled campaigners, and test new […]

FLIP THE HOUSE; Wisconsin Zoom Phone Bank (Mondays 6-8 pm)

Call voters to elect Wisconsin Democrat Rebecca Cooke to Congress, get rid of extremist Republican Congressman Derrick Van Orden, and Flip the House. Wisconsin is a battleground state critical to defeating Trump. As a small business owner and nonprofit leader, Rebecca Cooke has focused her career on building community and serving others. Raised on an […]

Phone Bank with SBA for Pat Ryan in NY-18: Volunteer Recruitment! (Tuesdays 5-7 pm)

We are calling potential volunteers in Pat Ryan’s district (NY-18) to take action for Congressman Pat Ryan’s re-election campaign! These are calls to people who have gotten involved with campaign events in the past like phone banking, canvassing, and social events. Our goal is to get past volunteers re-engaged with Congressman Ryan’s campaign, as he […]

Arlington Farmers’ Market – Wednesdays 2-5 PM

Arlington Farmer's Market 29 Mystic Street - Russell Commons Parking Lot, Arlington, MA, United States

Arlington Town Democratic Committee's Paulette Schwartz (& other ADTC members) will be at a table for conversation, information on ADTC campaign activities, and more! Among other things, Paulette will have letter-writing packets available. From her "We’re writing letters to swing states through Vote Forward. The Arlington Dems are supplying the letter templates and envelopes. You […]

Flip PA 10 With SBA: Elect Janelle Stelson: Fire Scott Perry (calls Thursdays 6-8 pm)

Call voters to elect Pennsylvania Democrat Janelle Stelson, to Congress, fire MAGA Republican Congressman Scott Perry, and Flip the House. Pennsylvania is a battleground state critical to defeating Trump. We believe that Stelson can defeat Republican Perry. Recent polling shows that the race is tightening up. She is a great candidate, has a dynamic campaign […]

MA <> NH Nashua Canvassing (canvasses Saturdays 10-12, 12-2, 2-4 & Sundays 12-2, 2-4)

NH Nashua Dem headquarters 60 Main St ste 103, Nashua, NH, United States

Join other MA volunteers as we head up to NH to knock on doors to connect directly with voters on the issues that matter most to them so that we can make sure Democrats up and down the ballot are successful in November. Canvasses are going on all weekend; Sat. & Sun.; 12 pm – […]