Monthly Archives - May 2024

Democratic National Convention delegates elected at 5th CD caucus

Marlene Silva of the Arlington Democratic Town Committee is one of eight delegates to the Democratic National Convention elected from our Fifth Congressional District at a caucus on April 27, 2024.

Democrats from all over the District gathered at Winchester High School to elect four male and four female delegates to the Convention, which will take place August 19-22 in Chicago. Minority Whip Katherine Clark, our Congresswoman, opened the caucus.

Delegates elected were Bob Colt, Winchester; Brian Corr, Cambridge; Juan Jaramillo, Revere; Jennifer Baker Jones, Woburn; Bob Peters, Lexington; Tina Poindexter, Watertown; Marlene Silva, Arlington; and Teresa Walsh, Medford. Russell Ashton of Wayland was elected alternate.

Teresa Walsh lived in Arlington for many years and was a member of the Arlington Democratic Town Committee. Bob Peters of Lexington is our elected Democratic State Committeeman.