Your Values. Your Vote. Your Party.

Support Democrats in Massachusetts!

Recent Updates

  • Thanks so much for all you did to elect Democrats this fall. We will be regrouping and working hard on next steps. Congratulations to our Massachusetts legislators and the New Hampshire Congressional delegation, and all other Dems who won and/or fought hard races.
  • Our next meeting will be Monday, January 13 at 7:00 p.m., via Zoom. Watch this space for a registration link.

Our Next Meeting:

Monday, January 13
7:00 p.m.
Via Zoom Conference

As a local Democratic Party committee, we support the ideals and aims of the party, and participate in the ongoing discussion at the state and local level that determines these ideals and aims.

We do everything within our power to promote the Democratic party in our state, because we believe Democrats are good for Massachusetts.

Local elections are the core of the democratic process, and that’s where we live. Arlington Dems work to get Democrats elected at the local, state, and national level.

Our Democratic Elected Officials In Washington

Our Democratic Elected Officials On Beacon Hill